Mouth Cancer High Wycombe

Emergency appointment just £25

Consultation Duration

30 Minutes - 1 Hour


From £25

Dental Experience

10+ Years

Early Detection

We are dedicated to the early detection and effective treatment of mouth cancer.

Our services include thorough oral cancer screenings during routine check-ups, using advanced diagnostic tools to identify early signs of cancer.

We provide prompt referrals to specialists for further evaluation and treatment if any suspicious lesions are found.

Our team is committed to educating patients on mouth cancer’s risk factors and symptoms, promoting early intervention and successful outcomes.

Diagnostic Screenings

Early detection is crucial in the fight against mouth cancer, and Wycombe Dental Hub is at the forefront of providing comprehensive care.

Our experienced team uses state-of-the-art diagnostic tools to perform detailed screenings, ensuring potential issues are identified and addressed promptly.

We take a proactive approach to oral health, educating our patients on prevention and the importance of regular screenings.

Our compassionate and knowledgeable staff is here to support you through every step of the process, providing expert care and peace of mind.

The dentist's hand holds the tooth checker and a mirror for checking and caring for dentist's tools


What are the signs of mouth cancer?

Symptoms include sores that don’t heal, lumps, and persistent pain.

How often should I get screened for mouth cancer?

We recommend annual screenings during your routine dental check-ups.

What increases the risk of mouth cancer?

Risk factors include smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and HPV (Human papillomavirus) infection.

How is mouth cancer diagnosed?

Diagnosis involves a clinical examination.


What treatment options are available for mouth cancer?

Treatment options include surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy, depending on the stage and location of the cancer. (This can be discussed after referral to the hospital).